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Pittsburgh Tragedy

Our hearts are broken and saddened by the terrible and brutal murderous attack this past Saturday morning in Pittsburgh, PA.

We mourn the 11 who were killed and pray for the injured for a full recovery. May G-d comfort their families and the entire Jewish nation.

No words can describe the horror and evil. Jews gathered to pray and celebrate Shabbat were killed for no reason other than the fact that they were Jewish. Words don’t do justice to the feelings.

The Jewish heart and the heart of every decent human being is torn today. An attack against any innocent person is an attack against all of us. An attack against any Jew is an attack against all Jews. An attack against a house of worship in the United States of America is an attack against every American.

How do we explain this senseless hate? What do we tell our children?

Today more than ever, we need to unite with love and continue to spread a message of tolerance and acceptance of all. We will fight hatred with love and fight evil with goodness and continue to perform acts of goodness and kindness and make this world a better place. We will continue to walk to our Houses of Prayer proudly.

We thank all law enforcement agencies; city, county, state and federal including our local Police Departments. We are grateful to them always, doing everything in their power every day to protect and safeguard all citizens.

The broad show of support and unity from all across the community…indeed the world-over is heartening. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to the countless, friends, neighbors, strangers, elected officials etc. who have expressed their condolences, shared grief and utter outrage.

Pittsburgh and the entire world needs our prayers and good deeds more than ever!

Say a chapter of Psalms in memory of those murdered, hug your loved ones, speak out against hate and intolerance and prioritize your life to focus on meaningful living. In the merit of our acts of kindness, may we each bring much comfort and peace at this extraordinarily painful time.

A little light can banish a lot of darkness.

Much light can obliterate it completely.